Singular Geometry Seminar (Spring 2024)
A working group studying theory and applications of the wedge calculus over (Thom-Mather) pseudomanifolds.
Mailing list:
Also on Discord (invite link)
Info (Spring 2024)
Altgeld Hall 347, Wednesdays 1-3 PM.
Also on Zoom (link)
- May 1, 2024: Wu's Theorem for Wedge Singularities, Gabriele
- Talk Recording
- April 17, 2024: Generalizing Atiyah-LeBrun for $\beta > 1/2$, Gabriele
- Talk Recording
- April 10, 2024: Wedge Elliptic Regularity 2: Extending LeBrun's Work Past the Orbifold Regime, Anthony
- Talk Recording
- April 3, 2024: Seiberg-Witten Invariants and Atiyah-LeBrun's Generaliation, Anthony
- Talk Recording
- March 27, 2024: The Continuity Method (Part 2), Gabriele
- March 20, 2024: The Continuity Method (Part 1), Gabriele
- March 6, 2024: The Wedge Calculus and Wedge Elliptic Regularity, Anthony D'Arienzo
- February 28, 2024: Introduction and Motivation, Gabriele La Nave
- Talk Recording
Donaldson, S. (2011, February 14). Kahler metrics with cone singularities along a divisor. arXiv. Accessed 19 October 2023
Arezzo, C., Della Vedova, A., & La Nave, G. (2018). On the Curvature of Conic Kähler–Einstein Metrics. The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 28(1), 265–283.
Albin, P. (2016, March 13). On the Hodge theory of stratified spaces. Accessed 5 March 2024
Jeffres, T., Mazzeo, R., & Rubinstein, Y. A. (2016). Kähler—Einstein metrics with edge singularities. Annals of Mathematics, 183(1), 95–176.
Atiyah, M., & LeBrun, C. (2013). Curvature, Cones, and Characteristic Numbers. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 155(1), 13–37.
Lebrun, C. (2015). Edges, orbifolds, and Seiberg–Witten theory. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 67(3).
Notes and older references
Rubinstein, Y. A. (2014). Smooth and Singular Kähler–Einstein Metrics. (P. Albin, D. Jakobson, & F. Rochon, Eds.) Geometric and Spectral Analysis. American Mathematical Society.,%20Smooth%20and%20singular%20Kahler–Einstein%20metrics%202014.pdf
Kronheimer, P. B., & Mrowka, T. S. (1993). Gauge theory for embedded surfaces, I. Topology, 32(4), 773–826.
Kronheimer, P. B., & Mrowka, T. S. (1995). Gauge theory for embedded surfaces, II. Topology, 34(1), 37–97.