Besides math, you can occasionally find me playing cello around campus.
Research Interests
Characteristic classes on stratified 4-manifolds, intersection cohomology, sheaf theory, categorical logic.
Research Description
I study four-dimensional geometry with Gabriele La Nave. We are working on the L2-theory of characteristic classes of conically stratified 4-manifolds.
I also use sheaf theory to study logic and categorical semantics of programming languages. I am an intern at Sandia National Laboratories working on formal methods for programming languages.
Ph.D. student in Mathematics at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2021--.
AB Mathematics cum laude, Princeton University 2021. Senior thesis: Vector Bundles on Symplectic 4-Manifolds.
Awards and Honors
Graduate College Fellowship, 2021-2024.
Courses Taught
MATH231E (Fall 2024)
Additional Campus Affiliations
Organizer for Graduate Geometry-Topology Seminar (Spring 2024 --)
Highlighted Publications
Bicategories, Biequivalence, and Bi-Interpretability (2023), submitted to the Journal of Symbolic Logic (https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.14056).